
Purchase gold jewelry or coins as it is considered an auspicious investment on Akshaya Tritiya.


Buy silverware like utensils or accessories as it is believed to bring prosperity to the household. Many people also prefer to give silver goods to their loved ones.


Invest in stocks of reputed companies as it can lead to financial growth and stability. It is expected that investments made on this day will provide positive long-term returns.

Real Estate

Invest in real estate as it is a tangible asset that can appreciate over time and provide a sense of security. Many individuals believe it will lead to long-term prosperity and wealth.

Electronic Gadgets

Upgrade your gadgets like phones or laptops as they can make your daily life easier and more efficient.


Consider buying a new vehicle, be it a car or a two-wheeler, as it can be a useful asset and bring mobility and comfort.


Purchase new clothes as it symbolizes new beginnings and good fortune.


Consider making donations to charities or religious institutions as it is believed to bring blessings and positive karma.

Discover the history and mythology behind Akshaya Tritiya, one of the most significant Hindu festivals celebrated across India.  Learn about the traditions, significance, and celebrations of Akshaya Tritiya in 2023.