Prime Minister Narendra Modi launches ‘International Big Cats Alliance’ at 50th Anniversary Commemoration of Project Tiger in Mysuru, Karnataka

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, today inaugurated a program commemorating the 50th anniversary of Project Tiger at Mysuru University in Mysuru, Karnataka. In addition, the Prime Minister established the International Big Cats Alliance. (IBCA). He published ‘Amrit Kaal Ka Vision For Tiger Conservation,’ a summary report of the 5th cycle of Management Effectiveness Evaluation of Tiger Reserves, proclaimed tiger numbers, and released the All India Tiger Estimation Summary Report. (5th cycle). On the occasion of Project Tiger’s 50th anniversary, he also issued a commemorative coin.

9 April 2023 Current affairs, Key Points From The Prime Minister Narendra Modi Event!

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched International Big Cats Alliance (IBCA)
    • Prime Minister Narendra Modi stressed the need for an International Alliance for wildlife protection
    • The IBCA will facilitate sharing of experiences, help fellow countries, and emphasize research, training, and capacity building.
    • The International Big Cat Alliance is an extension of the spirit of the alliance against poaching and illegal wildlife trade in Asia on Global Tiger Day
    • The International Big Cat Alliance will focus on the conservation of the world’s 7 major big cats, including tiger, lion, leopard, snow leopard, puma, jaguar, and cheetah
  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi Declared tiger numbers at 3167
  • Prime Minister Modi Released a commemorative coin and several publications about tiger conservation
  • PM Modi released the publication – ‘Amrit Kaal Ka Vision For Tiger Conservation
  • Project Tiger has completed 50 years today.
  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi stated that Tiger reserves in India cover 75,000 square kilometers of land.
  • India is home to 75% of the world’s tiger population in the 75th year of Indian independence.
  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “Graphical representations of tigers were found on ten-thousand-year-old rock art in Madhya Pradesh”
  • Many communities in India worship the tiger and consider it a friend and brother.
  • Maa Durga and Lord Aiyappa ride the tiger.
  • India has 2.4% of the world’s land area but contributes to 8% of known global biodiversity.
  • India is the largest tiger range country, the largest Asiatic elephant range country, and the largest single-horn rhino country in the world.
  • India is the only country with Asiatic lions, and their population has increased from around 525 in 2015 to around 675 in 2020.
  • India’s leopard population has increased by over 60% in 4 years.
  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi stated that ecosystems need to thrive for wildlife to thrive.
  • India added 11 wetlands to its list of Ramsar sites, bringing the total to 75.
  • India increased forest and tree cover by over 2200 square kilometers from 2019 to 2021.
  • The number of Community Reserves increased from 43 to over 100 in the last decade.
  • The number of National Parks and sanctuaries around which Eco-sensitive Zones were notified increased from 9 to 468 in a decade.
  • The Prime Minister recalled his experience in wildlife conservation as the Chief Minister of Gujarat.
    • He emphasized that limiting conservation efforts to one geographical area cannot save a wild animal.
    • He stressed the need to create a relationship of emotion as well as economy between the local people and the animal.
    • The Wildlife Mitra program was started in Gujarat, offering a cash reward to monitor hunting activities.
    • A rehabilitation center was opened for the Lions of Gir, and women-beat guards and foresters were recruited in the Forest Department in the Gir area.
    • The Prime Minister highlighted the establishment of a huge ecosystem of tourism and ecotourism in Gir.
  • The cheetah became extinct in India decades ago, but the first successful trans-continental translocation of a big cat has brought cheetahs to India from Namibia and South Africa.
  • Four cheetah cubs have been born in Kuno National Park in India a few days ago.
  • The cheetah has taken birth on the land of India after becoming extinct about 75 years ago.
  • The Prime Minister stressed the importance of international cooperation for the protection and prosperity of biodiversity.
  • The motto of ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future’ for India’s G20 presidency amplifies the message that a better future for humanity is possible only when our environment remains safe and our biodiversity continues to expand
  • India has set big and ambitious goals for environmental protection and expressed confidence in mutual cooperation to achieve them at COP26.

The launch of the International Big Cats Alliance by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, marks a significant step towards the conservation and protection of seven major big cats in the world. The alliance will provide a platform for member countries to share their experiences and resources to protect and preserve these species from extinction. The Prime Minister emphasized the need for an international alliance to tackle the universal issue of wildlife protection and the importance of balancing economic development and wildlife conservation.

This article provides important insights into the Prime Minister’s address and highlights key points related to the launch of the International Big Cats Alliance. Aspirants of Rajasthan state government exams can benefit from this article as it covers relevant topics related to the environment, wildlife conservation, and international cooperation. We encourage aspirants to bookmark our website and stay updated with the latest news and events related to the exam. It is crucial to have access to reliable and relevant information to prepare effectively for the exam and succeed in their goals.

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